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Author Archives: admin
Preparing for battle!
Cat came armed with lots of shields this month. Fresh from the armourer, and ready for a coat of paint! There were two styles to choose from, a rectangular Roman legionary’s shield and a circular Celtic one.
Destination Devizes!
This month we met up with members of Young WANHS (Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural History Society) at Devizes Museum. Ali, their Leader, had arranged some really great things for us to do. First we explored the amazing Bronze Age collection, … Continue reading
Mesolithic Menus!
So how exactly did people survive in the Mesolithic (the name given to the period 8,000-4,000 BC)? That’s we set out to discover at this month’s meeting. We did a quiz to find out what birds and mammals were hunted … Continue reading
YAC 10th Birthday Party: March 2008
This month South Wiltshire YAC branch celebrated its 10th birthday We had a whole range of activities to try and of course the results of the ‘Design an archaeological theme park’ competition to be announced. We had some very special … Continue reading
Wattling and Daubing
This month we decided to try our hands as house-builders – medieval style. First we needed to find out a bit about the way timber-framed houses were built six hundred years ago. A quiz helped us learn the names of … Continue reading
Gods, Goddesses and Gorgons
This month we investigated Roman gods and goddess. We started by looking at pictures of the gods and guessing who was who. After the introduction we split into two groups with two activities to do. One group made a gorgon’s … Continue reading
Festive frolics for ravenous Romans!
Togas were flying at our Christmas Party in December as members played their favourite, energetic games wearing fabulous Roman costumes. Members only that is, since none of the leaders had dressed up, unless you count the fashionable modern Roman, wearing … Continue reading
Victorian Inventions
This month we looked at the Victorians and all their fascinating inventions. Firstly we turned into photo detectives to look closely at photographs taken in the Victorian period and tried to work out the date range for the photos and … Continue reading
Diabolical Diseases
At this months YAC meeting, we were looking at diseases from the past and some that also affect archaeologists today. First members were given a talk all about the diseases with lots of gruesome pictures and yucky facts. After this … Continue reading
Excellent Excavation
This month at our YAC meeting, members were lucky enough to get some hands-on experience on a REAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION! We all met up at Down Farm in Dorset on Saturday the 8th of September. Down Farm, however, is no … Continue reading
Posted in What's Gone
Tagged Down Farm, Excavation, Flint Knapping, Martin Green, Pottery
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