Tag Archives: Pottery

Destination Devizes!

This month we met up with members of Young WANHS (Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural History Society) at Devizes Museum. Ali, their Leader, had arranged some really great things for us to do. First we explored the amazing Bronze Age collection, … Continue reading

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Excellent Excavation

This month at our YAC meeting, members were lucky enough to get some hands-on experience on a REAL ARCHAEOLOGICAL EXCAVATION! We all met up at Down Farm in Dorset on Saturday the 8th of September. Down Farm, however, is no … Continue reading

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It’s not just about digging it up!

On Saturday May 5th there were more of us than usual, as we welcomed members of the Young Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural History Society for the morning. Together we tried our hands at recording – all the different ways of … Continue reading

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Potty about Pottery

This month at YAC, members learned all about pottery – when and how it was first made and how it changed over time from coil pots to wheel-thrown pots. They thought about how and why shapes and designs varied and … Continue reading

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Iron Age activities and Roman replicas

This month’s YAC session looked at daily life in the Iron Age and the Roman invasion. Members were set the task of identifying a series of jobs that Iron Age people would have done. Then they had to work out … Continue reading

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