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- Pottery
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- Rosetta Stone
- Salisbury
- Skeleton
- Skull
- Spinning
- Surveying
- tesserae
- Tollund
- Truckle Hill
- underwater
- Vikings
Author Archives: admin
Iron Age Antics
This month at YAC members visited the Museum of the Iron Age in Andover. They were set challenges to find out more about what life was like in an Iron Age Hillfort! They saw lots of artefacts that archaeologists had … Continue reading
Rock Art
Rock art was the subject of this month’s meeting – an opportunity to find out more about pictographs (paintings or drawings) and petroglyphs (carvings). First everyone had to make their own piece of rock from a mixture of sand and … Continue reading
Marvellous Mosaics
This month at YAC it was mosaic madness! Members were set the challenge of creating a mosaic to act as a display for this year’s National Archaeology Day. They were split into four groups, each with its own brief. The … Continue reading
Re: Writing History
This month at YAC the theme was writing through history. Members were first shown alphabets from 7 different ancient languages: Cuneiform, Greek, Hieroglyphic, Ogham, Phoenician, Roman and Runic. Then they wrote their name in all 7 different languages and found … Continue reading
Fun, Food and Fancy Dress!
This year’s Christmas party had a fancy dress theme. Costumes ranged from a cave girl, to the Romans, Queen Victoria and Howard Carter. The first of many games was ‘pass the penny’. The next games played were everybody’s old favourite … Continue reading
Bewildering Buildings
This month at YAC, members took an active approach to learning about standing buildings. This involved completing a quiz around Salisbury Cathedral Close. Members not only had to answer a specific question about each building but also had to use … Continue reading
Bones, Burials & Beliefs
This month at YAC, following a Halloween-y theme, bones were the focus of the session. The task for the day was to cut out and assemble a skeleton. Then members learned about different burial rites and practices, including what different … Continue reading
Potty about Pottery
This month at YAC, members learned all about pottery – when and how it was first made and how it changed over time from coil pots to wheel-thrown pots. They thought about how and why shapes and designs varied and … Continue reading
A very un-Civil War
In order to learn more about the Civil War, this month’s session included a visit from members of the Sealed Knot. The re-enactors came along in costume and talked about what role their characters would have played during the Civil … Continue reading