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Author Archives: admin
King of the Castle
In the medieval period a king needed strong castles to defend his borders. The massive buildings made his own people feel safe and sent out the message ‘don’t mess with me!’ to his enemies. So what makes a good castle? … Continue reading
It’s not just about digging it up!
On Saturday May 5th there were more of us than usual, as we welcomed members of the Young Wiltshire Archaeology and Natural History Society for the morning. Together we tried our hands at recording – all the different ways of … Continue reading
Posted in What's Gone
Tagged Drawing, Excavation Skills, Finds, Plan, Pottery, Section
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Standing stones and sunny sketches
We couldn’t have had better weather for our April visit to Stonehenge! It was warm and sunny for our costumed pilgrimage to the Cursus Barrows, where we met another visitor from the past. The Amesbury Archer (Gareth Owen, from Wessex … Continue reading
Aerial Photographs
This month at YAC the topic was Aerial Photographs (APs). First members learnt about different types of AP, such as Verticals (photos taken from directly above the ground) and Obliques (photos taken at an angle). Then we asked ‘But what … Continue reading
Christmas Party 2006
It’s that time of year again and the first (and probably best) Christmas party of 2006 was held at Salisbury Museum when the South West Wilts YAC celebrated in fine style with lots of delicious food (thanks to Cally!) and … Continue reading
The Eleventh hour of the Eleventh Month
This month our meeting fell on the 11th November – Remembrance Day, and we remembered in a rather special way. Martin Brown, Archaeologist for the MOD (Ministry of Defence), based on Salisbury Plain, invited us to join him in a … Continue reading
Monk-ey Business
Our September meeting was full of monk-ey business as we discovered what life was like in a medieval monastery! No one felt like joining a monastery when they had found out more about the rule of silence (now there’s a … Continue reading
Egyptian Antics
This month at YAC we all went Egyptian. The members’ first challenge of the day was to create their own cartouche. This involved the fun, and very messy, task of making some salt dough. This they shaped into a long, … Continue reading
Dressed for Danebury
This month at YAC members took at trip back in time. Dressed as Iron Age people they went to Danebury hillfort to see what Iron Age life would have been like. On arrival the “tribe” marched up onto the ramparts, … Continue reading