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Author Archives: admin
Geophysics was the topic for this month’s session; we had Ben from Wessex Archaeology come along and tell us what he does and how Geophysics works. First of all we all went outside and Ben explained to us how to … Continue reading
Old Sarum with Julian Richards
For this month’s session we had a special visitor: Julian Richards came to talk to us about Old Sarum and the project English Heritage had asked him to do. First Julian gave a short talk on Old Sarum. Then we … Continue reading
Stone Circles and Henges
Stone Circles and Henges were the topic for this month’s session. We started with an introductory talk by Cally, then after looking at aerial photographs and plans we made our own mini stone circles using our favour maize chips! We … Continue reading
Food through the Ages
This month we had a look at different foods from the past. We looked at the Roman, Tudor and World War II food and how different it is from today’s food. For the Romans, we made dormice and stuffed dates: … Continue reading
Death and Burial
For this month’s session we were looking at death and burial. First Cat gave a short talk on how burial practice changed through the ages. Then it was time to make our burials. It was a tricky busy cutting out … Continue reading
Wet, Wet, Wet!
This month Gemma White came to talk to us about the work of the Coastal and Marine Department at Wessex Archaeology. She explained why it is important to look underwater and we found out what sort of things the divers … Continue reading
Christmas Capers
It’s that time of year again, when all the members of South Wiltshire YAC dress up as people of the past, eat too much, play vaguely historic games and generally have a good time. The costumes were as brilliant as … Continue reading
Banquets and Battles
For our July meeting we joined forces with the YAC groups from North Wiltshire and Southampton for a day at Danebury Hillfort. It was quite a spectacular scene – some people had gone to a lot of trouble with their costumes. … Continue reading
Dig the Romans
Our plans to go on a dig last month were foiled by storms and flooding, so we were especially glad to have another chance in October when we met near North Wraxall where Wessex Archaeology and a team of volunteers … Continue reading