Recent Activities
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- Flint
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- musket
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- Phil Harding
- Pottery
- Rock
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- Rosetta Stone
- Salisbury
- Skeleton
- Skull
- Spinning
- Surveying
- tesserae
- Tollund
- Truckle Hill
- underwater
- Vikings
Author Archives: admin
The Variable Vikings
This month at YAC, members were given a chance to see what Viking life was like. Donna – a Viking re-enactor – brought along a range of objects to give a real hands-on element to this month’s session. Members had … Continue reading
Underwater Archaeology
This month at YAC members learnt about underwater archaeology. Brian and Frank, both divers from Wessex Archaeology, came along to tell them what underwater archaeologists do and show them the equipment that they use. For their first task members were … Continue reading
Iron Age activities and Roman replicas
This month’s YAC session looked at daily life in the Iron Age and the Roman invasion. Members were set the task of identifying a series of jobs that Iron Age people would have done. Then they had to work out … Continue reading
Iron Age activities and Roman replicas
This month’s YAC session looked at daily life in the Iron Age and the Roman invasion. Members were set the task of identifying a series of jobs that Iron Age people would have done. Then they had to work out … Continue reading
Practically Prehistory
This month’s session of YAC was devoted to prehistoric flint working. Members were lucky to have a real expert on hand, Phil Harding, best known for his work with Wessex Archaeology and on Channel 4’s Time Team. His task, should … Continue reading
Party Time
This month our YAC meeting was yet another fun filled Christmas party! There were a whole load of great games from the Viking boat race, the mummy game and a building competition to everybody’s favourite, Black Death pass the parcel. … Continue reading
Crazy Costumes!!
This month at SWYAC, costumes were definitely in fashion! Members not only looked at what people wore in the past but had to work out what parts of them and their clothes might remain for an archaeologist to find. As … Continue reading